
MVCA Continues To Advocate For Truck Traffic Solution

Request for volunteers for Soapbox Derby setup and cleanup
The Soapbox Derby Committee would welcome volunteers to assist with setting up and cleaning up for the event.  This requires moving the barricades and traffic safety drums on Saturday August 24 and Sunday after the Derby. It is not hard work but there is some lifting so please consider that when reaching out. If you can help, please contact us at 

Truck Traffic

The topic of large truck traffic and the truck routes through Manotick along Bridge and Main streets has been a concern for residents for some time. MVCA has been involved in and continues to advocate for solutions. 

In 2021 and 2023, MVCA conducted its own studies of the truck traffic. Part of the 2023 study involved recording large truck traffic travelling through the village and on Vimy Bridge. The City has done truck counts of their own and have shared the findings with MVCA.  A full report of MVCA’s 2023 study with comparisons to the 2021 findings and the City’s report will be available soon. It is no surprise that MVCA data suggests that large truck traffic is higher through Manotick than on Vimy Bridge and that the truck route through the village continues to pose a risk to pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and residents. 

Following the data collection in 2023, Mayor Sutcliffe and Councillor Brown met with MVCA to discuss the preliminary findings from the MVCA research and to discuss possible solutions. It may seem obvious what needs to be done, but the situation is impacted by levels of complexities and considerations that affect what can be done and when.

While fulsome alternatives are being sought, Councillor Brown, with the support of Mayor Sutcliffe’s office, has made progress with initiatives to help make the village safer. 

  1.  Century Road from Manotick Main Street to First Line Road has been included in the designated truck route to reduce truck traffic on Main Street. 
  2. Minto Communities has agreed to divert the majority of construction traffic to First Line and Century roads to reduce that truck traffic through the village.

Additional actions have been taken to assist with pedestrian safety in some of the key areas of concern. Changes were made at three pedestrian crossings along Bridge Street to make them safer.  Photo radar will be installed on Bridge Street soon which is anticipated to result in traffic calming.    

The desire to see outcomes is natural.  There is a commitment from both the mayor and Councillor to continue to work toward a constructive, attainable outcome. MVCA is happy to be a welcomed participant in this as a collaborator and partner

More information about local events and updates on issues in the community are available to MVCA Members through our newsletter.  Details about Membership are available on our website. 

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