
Manotick Kiwanis Club Busy During Summer Months

By Ralph Tweedie, Manotick Kiwanis Club

Summer is traditionally a relaxed period on the Kiwanis calendar. In June through August, we don’t have formal meetings. Once a month we meet for a BBQ at a member’s home. In July the board doesn’t meet and there is no newsletter. After Dickinson Days we take a well-earned rest.

But we never really stop! Every Tuesday Manotick Kiwanis members take a two-hour shift at the OLG Bingoland South Centre. This is our major fund raiser. Once each month during the summer we participate in the Farmer’s Market at Dickinson Square.

In June we donated $1,000 of the money raised at the Dickinson Days BBQ to the Granny Squares for Warmth group. This is a group of women in Barrhaven who create and donate hand-made blankets in the Ottawa area. In addition to blankets, members have also made and donated shawls, hats and baby wear to those in need. They also have donated their gifts to communities in northern Canada. A local Barrhaven lawyer donates her time to deliver their baby blankets up north.

Through the Share Community Program, we were able to donate $2,000 to a family to properly vaccinate their daughter enabling her to work in a veterinary clinic.

Members of our club celebrated July 1st at Millenium Park in Orleans BBQing food for the public.

This year the Key Club International Convention was held July 10th to July 14th in Atlanta, Georgia. We provided $1,500 to help cover the expenses for Anya Watson to attend. Anya is the Lieutenant Governor for Ottawa area Key Clubs.

August always has a few cherished annual events.

On Monday, August 14th, we celebrated a special CAN-AM interclub meeting. For 60 years our clubs have been gathering for an annual summer BBQ. This year we presented the Norwood New York Club a plaque to commemorate this achievement.

The annual Capital Fair Special Needs Day was August 15th. This event hosts over 1,500 physically and mentally delayed children and their families for a private party the day before it opens to the public. Volunteers help the children on and off the rides and help feed everyone a hot lunch. There is live entertainment and an ice cream dessert. While our active participation was not required this year, we remained on standby to ensure enough volunteers.

On August 25th, we will participate in the 12th Annal Allan Haan Soapbox Derby and the MVCA Picnic in the Park. The sponsorship of this event is a partnership of the Manotick Legion and the MVCA. Since its inception Kiwanis members have been happy to volunteer for many of the duties required to help run the Derby. This typically includes cart inspection at the start of the race, manning many of the barricades along the track, and the timing and recording of results at the finish line. Our goal is for everyone to have a great time.

In preparation for the new school year, the Staples School Supply Drive for Kiwanis has begun. Every year, from late August to mid-September, Staples customers can choose to donate with their purchase. In Ontario this donation is allocated to local Kiwanis Clubs. Kiwanis uses this money to provide needed supplies to local schools. The goal is to eliminate barriers to learning for all students.

Finally, planning for our fall fund raisers has begun. The Christmas Trees and Christmas Cakes have been ordered. Due to 3 consecutive very dry summers, our allotment of Christmas trees has been cut back by a few hundred. We may sellout early this year! We always sell out early of the shortbread cookies from Scotland. This year we have ordered more to meet the demand.

If you want to make new friends while improving your community, we can show you how.  Our next meeting is on September 10th at the Manotick Legion. Meet and greet is 6:00 PM and dinner is served at 6:30.

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie Mulvihill by phone (613-692-5346) or email ( or Gary Coulombe by phone (613-462-4030) or email (

Featured Image – The Manotick Kiwanis have supported the Granny Squares for Warmth group, who creates and donates hand-made blankets in the Ottawa area.