
Round The Islands Paddle Winners

A great time was had by all, at the third annual Manotick Round-The-Islands Paddle Saturday, June 15. Eleven plucky adventurers paddled around Long and Nicolls Islands, portaging around both dams. Although medals were awarded on the basis of time, this year’s paddle of families and friends became more of a pilgrimage, with a leave-no-paddler-behind attitude. In that theme, the paddlers assembled to cross the finish line in precise groups, with the result that everyone earned a medal.

First place single kayak medals went to Mike Roberts, Erin Primeau, Mark Gregoir and Heather Trail, with a time of 2 hours 22 minutes 56.62 seconds. First place double canoe medals went to Erica and Eden Frosst with a time of 2 hours 48 minutes 51.80 seconds. The identical time earned second place single kayak medals for Douglas Frosst and Lori Gadzala. Third place single kayak medals went to Sandy Woosey, Chantal Lacasse and Kandy Gray with a time of 2 hours 50 minutes 46.65 seconds. All first and second place finishers received 692 gift certificates. A big thanks to GoodLife Fitness in Barrhaven for donating loot bags for all, and course marshals Gary and Gezina Pluim, and Marilyn Schacht.

(photo courtesy Brian Schacht)