OTHS Student Looks To Follow Her Passion For Writing
Focus on Youth, By Phill Potter
Name: Abby Wallingford
Age: 17
School: Osgoode Township High
Grade: Graduated Grade 12 in June
Parents: Megan & Kevin
Sisters: Emma (24), St. Patrick’s High School, Canada Post.
Hannah (24), St.Patrick’s High School, Recreation Therapist.
Grace (22), St. Patrick’s High School, Facilities Management.
Pets: Dogs: Maeve, Thea, and Emmett. Cat: Tyson

Submitted photo
Pet Peeves: “Disorganization, intolerance, people who are consistently late.”
Favourite Subjects: “My favourite subject is World History. The subjects I’m taking right now are Families In Canada, French, Challenge and Change in Society. I have also really enjoyed my Communications Technology classes, so much so, that I took two of them last year.”
Favourite Authors: “Madeline Miller. Author of The Song of Achilles and Ruta Sepetys of Between Shades of Grey.”
Greatest Accomplishments: “Achieving academic excellence for French in both grade 9 and 11. Being accepted into all of my chosen schools for post secondary education, and ultimately deciding to stay close to home to attend Algonquin College in their Professional Writing program this fall.”
School Activities: “I missed a lot of opportunities because of the pandemic, but was happy to be able to participate in and help organize our school’s Relay for Life event. As well, I’m one of the leaders on the Yearbook Committee.”
Other Activities/Interests: “I definitely lean to more peaceful activities. Outside of school, I enjoy reading. I have also discovered a love of playing video games online, which I do with my friends and boyfriend. I have an affinity for experimenting with makeup styles, and a continuously developing interest in fashion. Music has always been an interest of mine and my humble brag, is that I knew all of the Hamilton songs before it became wildly popular.”
Career Goals: “While in college I am hoping to be able to get a job at the on campus bookstore. After graduating I would love to find a career that allows me to work and travel. So many members of my family have lived in, and/or seen various corners of the world. I would love to follow in their footsteps while pursuing being an Editor or a Ghost writer. Or, perhaps I will start as a travel writer.”
Comment: “I was admittedly a little shocked that I survived (mentally/emotionally) the pandemic as well as I did. I know it was very hard for many people in so many different ways. Though I’m disappointed to have missed two years of ‘school life’, I am very happy to have had such a great final year at OTHS.”