
MVCA Elects New Board At 2023 AGM

Village Voice, By Irene Staron, President, MVCA

Our thanks to all the members, community partners, Councillor Brown and residents who joined us May 25 to engage in dynamic discourse on items of importance to them. Congratulations to our continuing executives –Theresa Roberts (VP Events), Leeanne Vanderburgt, (VP Communications), Randy Andersson, (Treasurer) and welcome to our new Board member Karen McRae (Secretary).

To outgoing Secretary Doug Valerio, our sincere appreciation for your dedication, caring attention to detail, and well-timed sense of humour in recording the discussions and decisions that drive our work.

For meeting details go to

MVCA and our Councillors – how we work together

The offices of our Councillors have a vested interest in our community. They play a supporting role in consultations to the City and recommendations to staff. In the case of 3-1-1 requests, for example, they support residents in filing requests for appropriate, timely follow up. They work with Council to set City-wide policy, request monies for infrastructure improvements and, in the case of Ward 21 and our community, are currently working to remove Manotick from the City’s truck route network. The MVCA work with our Councillors’ offices acting as a ‘conduit’ to share and exchange information, to alert them to community issues and advocate on behalf our community. Manotick is known for it’s ‘strong voice’ by our Councillors and the City because of the support of it’s residents over the years and the community members who enable the MVCA to speak on your behalf. Now with participation on the new Ward 21 Council we’ve expanded our outreach to build stronger relationships in the broader community.

Manotick Truck Traffic Update

At the end of June Councillor David Brown will be advancing an inquiry at the Transportation Committee asking staff specifically what would need to be done to remove Manotick Main Street and Bridge Street from the City’s truck route network. This will commit staff to providing a plan to get the trucks out of our village. Once the inquiry is returned with an answer from the City, a clear target to work towards removal of trucks will be identified, a policy to do so will be designed and put forward to secure funding. This follows the City’s willingness to consider more localized changes to the truck route and acknowledges that the previously presented factor of ‘a bridge to Quebec’ has little bearing on the truck routes in the south end of the City.

 City and Minto Developments Reroute Construction Truck Traffic

The City’s re-routing of Minto’s construction truck traffic from Rideau Valley Drive to 1st Line through to Century Road, by-passing Rideau Valley Drive and Manotick Main Street continues. Established to offer some relief to the volume of daily truck traffic coming through the center of our Village, the MVCA thanks Councillor David Brown for continuing to find solutions to reduce truck traffic in our Village core.

Albion and Mitch Owens Intersection Improvements

To improve traffic flow along Mitch Owens Rd. the City will be constructing a median island for a left turn signal pole (light) when travelling eastbound on Mitch Owens Rd. at the intersection of Albion Rd. The signal pole will allow for protected left turn movements and prevent southbound drivers from travelling in the westbound throughlane. The design is underway with construction planned for Fall 2023. For more information contact the office of Councillor George Darouze 613.580.2490.

Temporary Traffic Calming Program (TTC)  – how it works

The City’s Temporary Traffic Calming Program provides our Councillors’ offices with a limited annual budget for measures such as speed boards, flex stakes, speed humps and more. To introduce these measures, the Councillor’s office works with City staff to conduct a traffic study. If warrants are met, staff recommend TTC measures to the Councillor’s office who work with staff to determine the best measures to introduce. This ‘triage’ process can take several months, ensuring selected measures are strategically located across each Ward for most effect. This limited budget also includes costs of repairs for existing assets further limiting which TTC measures can be introduced each year. What is outside the control of Councillors’ offices and addressed through standardized City policies? Road upgrades and resurfacing, major infrastructure re-design, stop signs and traffic signals, posted speed limits, automated speed enforcement, red light cameras and more.

Update on Changes to Planning Process

In a recent joint City Planning and ARAC committee meeting a new planning process was outlined as a result of provincial legislation passed in 2023. The City will encourage applicants for site plan proposals or zoning bylaw amendments to consult with the community during the pre-consultation process. Once that process is complete, the applicant will file their application. The City has 60 days for site plan approval, 90 days for zoning bylaw amendments. Once that application has been submitted, the community will receive a heads-up allowing residents ONLY 14 days to provide any comments. The timeline will be short at that stage and the MVCA will be tracking applications to ensure we are part of the discussion in pre-consultation. As no time limit has been set on pre-consultation this raises concerns. The MVCA continues to provide updates as they occur.

City Official Plan Amendments Proposal (OPA) – comment by June 20

The City is proposing amendments recommending changes to general policies in the Official Plan as well policies affecting individual locations in an effort to provide clarity and accuracy. These amendments will be published in an Omnibus report. The Omnibus report will also include recommended amendments to the Tree Protection By-law (By-law No. 2020-340) to recognize the lands added to the Future Neighbourhoods overlay by the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and ensure that trees and natural features are appropriately protected and timelines identified. The City of Ottawa is the approval authority for Official Plan Amendments (OPAs) and will ensure that all public and agency comments are considered in the finalization of the Omnibus report. For more information go to

Survey Work in Rideau Forest

Residents on Rideau Bend Crescent concerned that City survey work being done on property adjacent to the Nelms soccer park may lead to parking issues on their streets, reached out to Councillor George Darouze for confirmation of the City’s intent for this work. Councillor Darouze confirmed that according to the soccer organization (the OSU) the surveyors were there to prepare for Enbridge to put in a natural gas link to the soccer facility. The MVCA will continue to participate in this conversation as it raises additional questions.

POSTPONED – Community Information and Comment Session – 4386 Rideau Valley Drive Development

The virtual Community Information and Comment Session planned by the City for May 29 has been  postponed to a later date at the request of the proponent. Date and time will be provided when available. This session was to provide information on the development of a 147-unit (approximate) residential subdivision (on municipal services) on the south-west corner of Rideau Valley Drive and Bankfield Rd. For details go to For additional information, please contact Erica Ogden-Fedak Planning, Real Estate and Economic Development Department Tel: 613-580-2424, ext. 26510, e-mail:

Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) Public Consultation – 6:30pm June 14

Residents are invited to attend an important upcoming virtual public consultation on the Infrastructure Master Plan (IMP) update for the City of Ottawa 6:30pm on Wednesday, June 14. To register in advance go to   

For more information on the Infrastructure Master Plan go to  Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the City directly at

The IMP sets growth-related policies, objectives and priorities for municipal water, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure to support the City’s New Official Plan. Your participation will ensure the IMP update addresses the needs of our rural community! 

Centennial Park Pathway Network Upgrades

On June 6 Manotick Parks, Culture and Recreation Association (MCPRA) held a virtual public consultation on upgrades to the Centennial Park pathway network. The purpose of the upgrades is to increase walkability and improve community accessibility. The project will study enhancements and extensions to the current Centennial Park pathway network to and within the park.  Residents are encouraged to participate in an online survey open to the public until June 20. Go to  For more information or questions please contact Alexa Ives, Director, MCPRA at

Climate Resiliency Strategy – Virtual Public Consultation June 19

The City is developing a Climate Resiliency Strategy to guide how Ottawa can prepare for and respond to the anticipated impacts of changing climate conditions. The Climate Resiliency Strategy is one of eight priorities of the Climate Change Master Plan. Contribute and share your ideas today!  Visit the Engage Ottawa website to learn more about climate trends and risks. To register for June 19 virtual event go to

Ottawa considering a move to bag-tag system for curbside waste collection 

Talks continue in City Council concerning long and short term options to manage waste. To reduce waste going to landfill and increase homeowner recycling and Green Bin programs, the City is considering changing curbside garbage collection in Ottawa to a partial pay-as-you-throw program. The policy was debated at the June 5th Environment and Climate Change Committee meeting and will proceed to Council on June 14th for a vote. What can you do? For information on the Solid Waste Master Plan go to

Around the Village

Veteran Memorial Banners

This year, the Manotick / South Carlton Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion is coordinating a program to erect banners in honour of those Veterans who fought and sacrificed for our freedom. The MVCA is pleased to be an active sponsor in this program. Program details will be released to the public in the coming weeks, and We will Remember them!

ROSSS on the Move – July 1

Congratulations to ROSSS who is moving from their home of 12 years on Mill Street to their new location at 1096 Bridge Street (former home of Royal Lepage Team Realty) July 1.  The new office will provide more office space for their team, a separate area for the foot care clinic and parking for their vehicles, for staff and clients. Mill Street location is closed to the public except for foot care clinics. ROSSS continues to be available by phone and email during this time.

Youth of Manotick Association (YOMA) – Celebrating 10 years

YOMA offers social programs and activities for youth in the area in Grades 4-12. We also have volunteer opportunities, special events and outings.  Sign up for our weekly newsletter, visit the website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.