
Innovative Programming to Support Caregivers in Rural Ottawa South

By Melissa MacIsaac, Rural Ottawa South Support Services

ROSSS, in partnership with the Nepean, Rideau, Osgoode Community Resource Centre, and South Nepean Community Health Centre (NROCRC), is pleased to offer a comprehensive caregiver program designed to support and provide respite for caregivers.

One of the key features of this program is the ability for caregivers to participate in support groups while the person they care for is being looked after. This can be achieved through attendance at a ROSSS Adult Day Program or by utilizing respite services provided by ROSSS Personal Support Workers in the care recipient’s home. This dual approach not only supports the well-being of the caregiver but also ensures the safety and care of their loved one.

Being a caregiver is a unique role that comes with many ups and downs and challenges. We understand the immense responsibility and stress that come with caregiving, and our program offers support and relief. We have numerous caregivers in need of support, and our goal is to provide a space where they can find help and build a supportive community.

The need for such innovative solutions has become increasingly apparent, particularly in the wake of the pandemic, which has heightened levels of caregiver burnout and distress. Statistics from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) indicate that a significant percentage of senior caregivers are experiencing emotional and mental strain. Seniors who take on caregiving roles may encounter additional obstacles related to their own health, financial constraints, and social isolation, all of which can contribute to heightened stress and distress.

By providing a safe and supportive environment for the care recipient while the caregiver participates in support groups, this program aims to alleviate the burden on caregivers and offer them the opportunity to seek the help and resources they need. Additionally, the availability of counselling services provided in partnership with NROCRC, ensures that caregivers have access to professional support when required.

The collaboration between our three local agencies serves as a powerful example of the positive impact that can be achieved when organizations come together to address pressing community needs. Through this partnership, caregivers in rural Ottawa South are provided with the necessary support and resources.

As the older adult population in rural Ottawa South grows, we recognize that the number of caregivers will also increase. We are dedicated to providing the best support to assist this vulnerable population. If you are a caregiver in need of assistance or know someone who could benefit from our program, please reach out to us. You are not alone. We are here to help.

For more information, contact Jeanne Pronovost, Senior Manager Client and Caregiver Services, at 613-692-4697 x 223.

Featured Image- Pronovost is the ROSSS Senior Manager Client and Caregiver Services.