
Manotick Kiwanis Partners With MCPRA For Recreation Projects

By Ralph Tweedie, Manotick Kiwanis Club

It really is amazing what a group of like-minded individuals can do. The Manotick Arena and Centennial Park are a perfect example. Each stage has been a project that involved members of the public, community associations, local businesses and multiple levels of government. At the center of all of this has been the Manotick Culture, Parks and Recreation Association (MCPRA) and its predecessor, the Manotick Community Association.

The Manotick Community Association (MCA) was instrumental in galvanizing the original effort to bring the arena to Manotick in 1973. The MCA already had the proposed development site. Of the estimated cost of $515,000.00, approximately $150,000 was raised within the community. The Kiwanis Club of Manotick committed to $50,000 of that total. The Federal and Provincial Governments provided grants of approximately $100,000. Rideau township raised the remainder with a debenture.

This project was only feasible with the contributions of three levels of government and the hard work and generosity of individuals, service organizations and businesses in the community. The arena and Centennial Park became Manotick’s active recreational park and village gathering spot.

In 2015 the MCPRA began researching funding opportunities for a necessary upgrade to the arena facilities. The Federal Government committed $890,000 to the project. The City of Ottawa agreed to deliver expansion work and associated code upgrades.

The MCPRA Board coordinated community fundraising with the target of raising $250,000. In appreciation of the Kiwanis Club of Manotick’s $25,000 donation, a meeting room on the second floor was named the Kiwanis Room. The fundraising team achieved their goal late in 2017. Construction started in May 2017 and was completed by March 2018.

MCPRA then took the initiative to enhance the northeast corner of Centennial Park. A Concept Design for Centennial Park was completed in early 2019. In June 2020, Ottawa city council approved the commemorative naming of the gateway area for Centennial Park as the David Arntfield Recreation Area in memory of local resident and active community volunteer Dave Arntfield.

Phase 1 included the Basketball Courts and the outdoor rink. Construction got underway September 2020. In April 2021, Infrastructure Canada, with the Government of Ontario, invested in the Centennial Park Enhancement Project through the Community, Culture and Recreation Infrastructure initiative.

Phase 2 included the Skateboard facility, Pump Track and Gateway areas. This phase was led by the City of Ottawa in collaboration with MCPRA. Construction began in 2023 and the area was officially opened July 4th, 2024.

Once again, the upgrades were only possible with the contributions of three levels of government and the hard work and generosity of the local community. The Kiwanis Club of Manotick donated another $25,000 to the Centennial Park upgrades and a further $2,000 to MCPRA for enhancements to the arena gardens.

Its not just money that makes it possible. Anne Robinson of MCPRA says, “I think it is less the (dollar) amount than the real support. Everybody pulling together in the same direction makes a big difference.”

We’re proud of our support of the Manotick Culture, Parks and Recreation Association. Our focus is the welfare of our children. We’re proud of our village. Working together as a community is what allows us to achieve our goals. Its what makes Manotick a great place to raise a family.

I’m reminded once again of Margaret Mead’s famous quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world, it’s the only thing that ever has.”