
It’s Time To Let Buds Bloom

This Month, This Year, By Larry Ellis

In the winter, it’s hard to tell which tees are alive and where the wildflowers will bloom. Everything looks dead, dormant, and hopeless. Then, stillness gives way to activity. Spring begins flourishing. Sap starts to flow as buds swell on bare branches, leaves and blooms are not far away. Last year’s grass yields to fresh, green blades as the green blanket of earth is renewed.

Spring is undeniable in its tender new shoots. The birds build their nests in preparation for chicks, and calves and colts bring their wobbly dance to the pasture. The coyote cubs playfully roll and fight, as speckled fawns rely on their mother to keep them safe.

In the spring, winter is forgotten, for the dead has once again come back to life.

The cold flees as the sun warms our skin, as if for the first time. The marvel of spring is the mystery renewed.

Spring reminds us that a new life is possible. Things can change, even when they look bleakest. When all appears to be over and done, the sweet sap of life can flow again. We can grow again. There is hope. Allow the sap of new life to flow through your branches. Receive warmth into your soul to melt away the coldness. Nourish the buds of friendship as they burst into flower. Spring is a time for renewal, a time to leave the cold behind, a time to tend the tender shoots of friendships.